Wazir | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | January 2024

This painting delves into the dynamics of authority, where symbolism often outshines substance. A graceful swan wears a crown of servitorship, yet those in power are reluctant to relinquish it, leaving the swan as a mere silhouette of an ideal.

Wolves and Woofs | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | January 2024

Set against a backdrop reminiscent of London, this piece features a wolf disguised in human attire in the foreground, with sheep-headed figures in the background. It's a reflection on modern society's interpretation of "survival of the fittest," and the prevalence of glorification and entitlement in cosmopolitan centers.

Runaway | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | December 2023

Drawing from concepts like island gigantism and Foster’s Rule, this painting portrays a rabbit of unusual size due to its isolation from larger animals. The figure riding the rabbit hints at escaping one's own mental confines, venturing away from the supposed isolation of the supposed island.

Birdbrained | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | December 2023

Exploring the domestication of birds, particularly the clipping of their wings, this artwork parallels our own desires for freedom and flight, symbolised by the paper plane. It's a gentle critique of our species' sometimes misguided expressions of love and admiration.

Paradise Circus | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | January 2023

The ecosystem as a whole is an intricate circle of life, in which, every aspect of biology, space, and nature interacts with one another. This artwork, which essentially conceptualises the circle of life in joy, laughter, and glee, appears in an odd sequence of events that follow one another till the never-attainable final stage.

Wobbler Beetle | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | January 2023

The mutability of human society's hierarchy of needs and desires is mocked in this artwork. An ode to the time when price inflation made lemons an untouchable commodity. Essentially a small thing that sat on top of everything else; similarly, when you catch a lemon, you put it on top- away from view. Allowing things to fall into place in your life as you also find solid ground.

Stories Foretold | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | January 2023

The mutability of human society's hierarchy of needs and desires is mocked in this artwork. An ode to the time when price inflation made lemons an untouchable commodity. Essentially a small thing that sat on top of everything else; similarly, when you catch a lemon, you put it on top- away from view. Allowing things to fall into place in your life as you also find solid ground.

God Save the Berry | 60 cm x 60cm | Oil on Linen | January 2023

The idea of a huge strawberry turning into an island in the ocean is as stupendous as it appears in this painting. Despite its oddity, it represents the mundane laissez-faire human disposition. It demonstrates how as we mature- we come to accept and appreciate the differences that exist between people, and accept.

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